Applications must be uploaded to the symposium management system, taking into account the following criteria.
The rules for submitting papers for the “2nd International Symposium of Information and Records Management from Tradition to the Future” are as follows:
- Since the summary information in the paper will also be used in the symposium abstract booklet, it should be prepared in accordance with the structure of IMRAD (Introduction, Methodology, Results and Discussion).
- Abstracts should be written as a minimum of 250 words and a maximum of 500 words.
- At least 3 and a maximum of 5 keywords related to the study should be provided.
- The paper can be written in Turkish or English.
- The paper abstracts must be in Word (.docx) format.
- The full texts should not have been presented or published elsewhere.
- Papers must be prepared according to the template specified below. Papers that do not comply with the template will not be accepted.
Please note that the compliance with the above rules is important for the acceptance of your papers after evaluation by the scientific committee.
Note: The full texts of the accepted and presented papers will be published in the symposium proceedings book. The writing rules and standards of the Proceedings Book will be shared with the authors.
Click here to submit your paper.
Click here to download the paper template.